Brand Perception Research
Brand Perception Research
Brand Perception Research
If you believe “How my brand is perceived is as crucial as what it says!”, you can measure your brand perception at the social level with a scientific method.
Brands are shaped by the harmonious combination of different tangible & intangible elements. The market position and equity of a brand are determined by the total effect of all impressions of that brand. Therefore, how the brand is perceived from every inch and what it evokes in the minds is as crucial as its message and claim.
Brand Perception Research forms the basis of all advertising, promotion and marketing studies on brands. Only by analyzing the cluster of impressions in the consumer audience, it is possible to turn a product, organization or service into a brand, to remind and develop the brand, increase brand awareness and its equity. Therefore, these researches focus on the social perception about the brand. Quantitative and qualitative findings are obtained thanks to the sample determined within the framework of the research. In Brand Perception Research, the position of the brand among competitors, current brand awareness, positive and negative brand qualities are determined. All these findings are evaluated to map out positioning strategies and plan communication studies.
We design tailored Brand Perception Research for you to take a photo of your brand in the mind of the consumer audience from every aspect and to guide your brand journey.